Group and individual classes to practise yoga and mindfulness with young children.

mindfulness & yoga for children

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Playing for Health!

Practising together with your child means you both benefit from everything that yoga and mindfulness have to offer. This is a space to have fun and breathe together- to play, stretch, laugh and rest, so that we automatically relish the present moment and the magic of childhood. Here there is no hurry or stress and no striving to compete or achieve.

Sessions are for 3 – 7 year olds, their adult and siblings.

Check the latest adventures on ClunieCloudsKidsYoga Fb page!

Weekly Afternoon Classes

One-to-One Sessions to calm anxiety

Restful & Restorative Yoga Pyjama Classes

Outdoor nature yoga with craft


Upcoming Sessions


Seasonal nature yoga adventure for families!

Saturday 10 August at Hermitage of Braid.

A teddy bears' picnic with a difference!     Bear yoga, yoga treasure hunt, making a forest mandala, picnicking, and other bear related activities and meditation:)

Cake provided!

Book your place for a nourishing last Saturday of the summer holidays.

Ride on the big red bus around the top road of Arthur's seat

Tuesday 13 August from Pavilion, Meadows, Edinburgh

The bus will be offering rides through August on Tuesdays & Thursdays 11am - 2pm. Come on board and show the bus conductor your best yoga pose and you will and your family can ride for free!

What to expect at Clunie Clouds

Clunie Clouds will structure a session around rhythms of high energy then quiet rest, giggles then focus, specific yoga asanas then free play – following the innate movements of the child’s energy and growth.

Sessions will therefore nurture the mind, emotions and the body of each child.

The head, the heart, the hand.

Regular classes follow the seasons, and take place both in the studio and outside in nature.

  • Lets celebrate the childs innate CURIOSITY
  • Their wonder at the unseen details and TREASURES we might miss each day
  • How the child feels naturally CONNECTED to nature and the seasons
  • Lets allow their IMAGINATION to run free in a safe place
  • Create a CALM place for rest and rejuvination


To be at home in the body with yoga stretches and positions can promote good health, better concentration and learning, and an increased calm when needed.

We work with front bends to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping the child ( -and adult) feel grounded and calm; with back bending poses to stimulate the sympathetic system, to energise and increase oxygen circulation; with standing poses to build strength in all the muscles; with balancing poses to improve concentration, focus and coordination

Moving and breathing with yoga, children become more in touch with how they are feeling, both physically and emotionally. They are given tools to use if they need to wind down, relax, or manage scary emotions such as sadness and anger.

  • Trained with Kidding Around Yoga
  • Trauma Informed Yoga
  • Mindfullness Association
  • Mother of three and experience of Waldorf creative education
  • Worked with therapeutic art with children with additional needs with Legato and the Action Group, Edinburgh.
  • Auxiliary assistant to children with additional support needs in both Primary and and specialist schools in Edinburgh
  • Full PVG disclosure and insurance.